First steps

After raising three kids and watching three grandsons take their first steps, the memories are unforgettable. Do you remember watching your kids take their first steps? Interestingly, this relatively simple idea of walking is such a profound memory. Why are their first steps so profound? Could it be that witnessing their journey to independence makes it so memorable? It may be the fear that walking gives them more opportunity to hurt themselves.

I find it interesting that Jesus tells this religious leader that he must be “born again” in John 3:1-3
Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
This reminds me of when people decide to follow Jesus or be “born again” like Nicodemus.

They need to learn for the first time to “walk” with Jesus. These first steps with Jesus look very similar. Their steps are uneasy, the ground seems unsure, and they often cling to a friend, much like the toddler clings to the pant leg of a parent. The way they walked in the past is gone, and one needs to re-learn how to walk in the new way of life. Just like that little child, it’s exciting and nerve-racking all at the same time.

This is the very reason why discipleship is so essential. The definition of discipleship in the Webster 1828 dictionary is “The state of a disciple.” Just like our toddlers who need a hand to hold and a parent to encourage them with each new step, new followers of Jesus need help, too.

The journey to discipleship needs a few things to be successful. 1. We all need someone to walk alongside us. 2. We need a clear path to measure and assess our progress. 3. We need resources. 4. We must desire and have fortitude to grow in God’s Word.

For this reason, Vine & Branch has developed an easy-to-understand path titled “Journey To Discipleship.” This path is like the one we all took as toddlers, one step at a time with no timeline. Each person is on their own path to spiritual maturity. I have included a link to our website for all to look at, read, and ponder where they need to grow in their maturity. As we approach the new year, more information will come as our entire church will focus on growing in Christ in 2025.

Unlike our kid’s first steps to independence, we hope these first steps are to become dependent on Jesus and the Word of God. See you at 9:30 Sunday morning at church.