Today, I am going to discuss a polarizing topic. It is not as bad as the age-old argument about toilet paper being over or under, but it is a close second. The topic is: What type of person are you? Are you on time or always late?

I can see that you immediately have a side in this discussion. The person on the side of being on time has very strong feelings on this subject. They are considerate of others’ time, never procrastinate, promptly return calls and texts, and often feel like they are late if they are not ten minutes early.

Those who often seem late for things see punctual people as uptight and usually push back at being on time, as they like being laid-back and not being seen as uptight. Whatever side of this topic you find yourself on, one thing is clear: We can not change each other.

Time is not only an issue for us Americans who live and die by our busy schedules, but the Bible also clearly states that our time is not the timeframe God uses. There is scripture that says a day is like a thousand to the Lord, or a thousand is like a day.

All these thoughts on being on time or late have me pondering one thing: Will I be ready? I dislike being late, but I despise not being ill-prepared. Not being ready causes me to rush, and it brings me anxiety. It’s one thing to be late to an event I am speaking at or a Bible study I attended, but being unprepared is the worst feeling ever.

This week in 1 John, we need to be prepared for a few things. We need to keep our eyes open to antichrists because they are with us in church and all around us in society. We need to walk in the Light and walk away from our sinful pasts. Lastly, we need to be prepared for Jesus’s second coming. I am confident that no one will be late for that day, but I fear many will not be prepared.

Join us this Sunday as we walk out being prepared together amid our sins and struggles so we can spur one another on to good deeds and righteousness. See you at 9:30, and invite a friend.

In Him,
Pastor Chris