This week in Rooted we are reminded that to follow Jesus is to live a life of service.

In John 13:1-5, we see Jesus washing the feet of His disciples and saying to them in John 13:15 “For I have given you an example, that you should do just as I have done to you”.

Have you ever had your feet washed by someone? If you’ve had a pedicure, you might want to say yes to that question. But that’s a job that someone did in exchange for your payment, and not what Jesus is talking about here. Have you ever had your feet washed as an act of service?

My first experience with this was at the Well a few months ago. I cried through the whole thing. It’s quite humbling to receive such a selfless act of love and kindness. As we go through the week of service in Rooted, I challenge you to not only understand what it means to give but also to be on the receiving end of this gift.

Day two’s daily response question asks, “Who are people you know who have hearts like Jesus?”.

I see many examples of these kind of people in our congregation. It’s one of the things that attracted me to Vine & Branch Fellowship when I visited for the first time almost a year ago. The volunteers who work hard in the kitchen so we can fellowship after church, the prayer team who meets weekly and prays over the requests and needs of our community, the worship team who gives their time to make our worship experience beautiful, and the Elders who do so many things behind the scenes. All together they help make Vine & Branch run smoothly and provide a welcoming atmosphere week after week to new families and regular attendees alike.

But one couple stands out to me personally as the epitome of a life in service and that’s Carla and Larry Smith. Who can add up the hours that the two of them have given to our community? Humble, gracious, kind, dedicated, Jesus-loving people who exemplify what living a life of service looks like.

At the Elder meeting last night, Larry announced his retirement from the board. After 20+ years of serving in this building, he is taking a step back and letting the next generation step up to the plate. I must admit that this brought me to tears. Not because we won’t be seeing Larry and Carla around anymore (they will still be right here doing what they always do, just in a lessor capacity) but because I feel blessed to be in their circle and experience their gracious love.

I pray that we all can follow such a great example.

In grace and peace,